Blueform will be adjusted from 9th February in time for the March list
PLEASE LET US KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS OR QUESTIONS You might also like to give some thought to whether a job share listing would be right for you.
This is the website for Stage Management Association
Members: LOGIN using your email address that you use for SMA and RESET your password to access the members areas.
Please contact SMA if you need assistance or advice at any time
What we do
At SMA we advocate for and support stage management in all aspects of live events and theatre work: creative, practical, contractual and interpersonal. We work to maintain high standards in our work, decent terms and conditions for all stage management, and for making a positive contribution to world class live shows and events made or shown in the UK: supporting excellence in performance. We stand up for mutual respect, open communications and fair dealing in all aspects of backstage work. We provide resources and information to assist everyone who wishes to start a stage management career.
Our membership process is open and fair, and we support members in finding work and during their working contracts. We are a PIPA partner and Stage Sight member, and stand for opportunity and diversity in the workplace.
Our named person for individuals to use if they wish to contact SMA directly about any Stage Sight related work, initiatives, case studies, job opportunities and/or other related enquiries is Andy Rowley (Executive Director) .
Members and non-members can (and do) also contact ‘SMA Team’ via . We respond openly and in a timely way to any such enquiries we receive.
What is stage management?
Find out more about stage management, our list of drama schools and colleges with approved stage management courses, and get information on how to employ a stage manager.
Join the SMA
The SMA offers various individual membership options for professional stage managers, and also for students and graduates of recognised courses, as well as associate and retired stage managers. Organisations such as drama schools, theatres and other arts organisations can also become members.
Freelist and jobs
The SMA’s Freelist is a list of professional stage management who are currently available for work. Logged-in SMA members can download the Freelist here, while non-members can request a free copy from the SMA Office.
Employers can also advertise jobs directly to our members, for free. Logged-in SMA members can view the Jobs Board here.
Training & Events
SMA training is open to all. SMA members receive a discount. More information.
SMA is introducing two new training and CPD sessions accessible to all SMs - delivered by Zoom. Lunchtime slots to fit with busy schedules
Small steps towards green outcomes
Suitable for :
- All stage managers
- Live Event managers
- Early Career SMs
- Student SMs
Monday 17th March 1300-1430 Green Zoom 1 1.5h remote
BOOK NOW (in order to maximise places available please check the dates carefully before you book)
FREE session : Open to Members and Non-Members
Introduced by SMA board director Terry Lee Dickson course leader Suzy Somerville
- How to make good use of Green Book website
- simple introduction to carbon literacy
- Taking the initiative:
- Hw SM teams can do good stuff even iftheir employers don’t want to know
- How Green Captains can really make a difference
- Q&A
Greenbook Standards and Toolkits
Suitable for :
- All stage managers
- Live Event managers
- Early Career SMs
- Student SMs
Monday 31st March 1300 - 1430 Green Zoom 2 1.5 h remote
BOOK NOW (in order to maximise places available please check the dates carefully before you book)
FREE session : Open to Members and Non-Members
Introduced by SMA boar director Terry Lee Dickson course leader Suzy Somerville
- Using Green Book online resources
- UnderstandingThe Green Book Standards
- Exchanging Information with other teams and venues
- Q&A
Resources & support
Logged-in members can access a wide range of resources and links on this website, including theatre digs, rehearsal room listings, arts organisations, work agreements, paperwork templates, etc. The SMA office staff are always available for any members’ queries.
Pay the SMA
Membership subscriptions: login to your My Account page.
Other payments: to pay for SMA courses, etc, please click here.
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