NEW : 2025 CORPORATE SHOWCALLER WORKSHOP by Zoom with Kate Salberg DISCOUNT for members

Coming up this Friday with SMA Discount 


Friday 14th March 2025 with Kate Salberg  £175 

Special price of £115 for SMA members

An Insight into Corporate Showcalling with discussion and practical work. 

  • Morning  Session 10.30 – 13.00
  • Roles & Responsibilities of a Showcaller
  • Working with Screens and Cameras, creating presets.
  • Explanation of how all Technical Departments work and what they expect from you  and you from them
  • Issues of client management and content control (huge!)
  • Discussion of approaches to the job and how best to fulfil it
  • Why showcallers often have a theatre stage management background


  • Afternoon        13.45 – 16.15
  • Marking up a showbook from materials I will provide to give

a taste of how it feels to actually do the job.

This requires some upfront explanation and then working through one section at a time.  We might not get to the end but you will understand the issues and choices confronting a showcaller and producer.

I worked in Repertory and West End for many years before corporate work, which I have been doing full time since the late nineties. 

Showcalled Jesus Christ Superstar Arena Tour & Les Mis and Phantom 25th Anniversary Concerts. 

Recent work includes Cisco GPJ, Microsoft Nteractive, Mobile World Congress GSMA & Cue to Cue, Bright Five, WRG, conferences for PSP. Other kinds of jobs include Google Cloud European workshops, Charity Galas, VMWare, AGM’s, Awards Shows.

To Book please contact

M:  Web:   07771 667652


I would recommend her courses to any producer interested in learning another aspect of the corporate show world and who would like to expand on their skill set, as well as theatre show callers or people who would like to pursue the show caller path.It was an absolute privilege to learn from one of our industry's best.

 Olga Grigorova – Corporate & TV show producer


Session 1        10.30 – 13.00

  • Roles & Responsibilities of a Showcaller
  • Why showcallers often have a theatre background. Transferable skills.
  • Working with Screens and Cameras, creating presets.
  • Explanation of how all Technical Departments work and what they expect from you
  • Working with the Producer and issues of client management
  • Discussion of approaches to the job and common challenges

Session 2        13.45 – 16.15

  • Marking up a showbook using a script
  • Practice calling a small show to give a taste of how it feels to actually do the job